Add enough water to the sous vide container to ensure that the ingredients are fully submerged and the minimum quantity of water is reached. Complete set up by securing the circulator tower to the sous vide container.
Preheat the water bath to 185°F (85℃), while the water bath is heating to the target cooking temperature, please move on to preparing the pear.
Using a vegetable peeler, peel each pear.
2 each Pears
Using a microplane or a grater, gently zest the orange.
1 tbsp Orange Zest
In a small sauce pot, combine red wine, brown sugar, orange zest, and kosher salt. Bring to a gentle simmer and reduce for approximately 6 minutes until a thin syrup develops. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for 10 minutes.
1 cup Red Wine, 3 tbsp Brown Sugar, 1 tbsp Orange Zest, 1/8 tsp Kosher Salt
Carefully add the pears and the poaching liquid to a vacuum seal or zip-lock bag.
1 tbsp Orange Zest
Using the vacuum sealer, make sure that the pears are completely sealed and that any excess air has been removed from the bag.
When the target temperature is reached, gently lower the bagged pears into the water bath. Sous vide for about 20 minutes.
Remove the poached pears from the water bath and place them directly in the refrigerator to cool. Chill for 1 to 2 hours.
Once the pears have cooled, drain the poaching liquid into a small sauce pot and add unsalted butter. Bring to a high simmer and reduce until a thick syrup forms.
1 tbsp Butter
Serve the pears with whipped mascarpone and a drizzle of the reduced poaching syrup.